Exhibits and Displays (Adopted September 19, 1994. Revised September 27, 2007; March 23, 2017)
Library displays are generated by library staff and have first priority. Suggestions and/or displays from the community are welcome. All displays shall be of an educational, cultural, civic, or recreational nature, and appropriate for all ages. Advertisements for goods and services offered by for-profit companies or individuals are not acceptable. Exhibits from for-profit companies or individuals may be accepted if they are of general educational, cultural, civic, or recreational nature.
The library’s lower level gallery is for artwork displays. The library also has three locked display cabinets.
- Application for exhibits is made through the Reference staff and are made on a first come, first serve basis.
- The library Director has the final determination on the suitability of the exhibit.
- Exhibits are accepted for limited times. This time period is generally not to exceed 30 days in length. The exhibitor must reclaim the exhibit materials at the end date of the exhibit. Because exhibits and displays are used to present a variety of interests, the library is not able to devote space to specific ‘weeks’ or ‘days’ year after year.
- Exhibitors are responsible for the display and shall arrange their own materials under the general supervision of the library staff, furnish their own equipment necessary for display, and be responsible for any damage to library property.
- The exhibitor assumes all risk of loss, damage, or destruction whether caused by vandalism, fire, or any other cause.
- All exhibitors are required to sign a form that releases the library from any responsibility for exhibited items.
The library has a small bulletin board available for public notices. The library will post notices from non-profit organizations and notices for community, educational, cultural, and recreational events. This is not a place for personal, political, or for-profit advertisements.
No material concerning political candidates, election issues, or levies may be displayed inside the library or on library grounds without the express permission of the Board of Trustees.
The library Director has the final determination of compliance with this policy.
The Orrville Public Library reserves the right to determine location, length of posting time, and other details of posted notices.